stages of modeling中文什么意思

发音:   用"stages of modeling"造句
  • stage:    n. 1.讲台;舞台;戏院,剧场;〔 ...
  • modeling:    n. 制造模型的方法,造型(术);塑 ...
  • by stages:    分阶段地, 分期地; 分期地
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  1. Traditional four - stage method divides traffic requirement forecasting into four stages . at present each model that every stage developed , generally include variables of the level of service , especially in the stages of model split and traffic assignment


  1. stages of labor 什么意思
  2. stages of leaflet formation 什么意思
  3. stages of life 什么意思
  4. stages of lung cancer 什么意思
  5. stages of meditation 什么意思
  6. stages of pregnancy 什么意思
  7. stages of prostate cancer 什么意思
  8. stages of reproduction 什么意思
  9. stages of serological reaction 什么意思
  10. stages of talented persons growing 什么意思


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